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Public holidays during the Christmas period

There are three public holidays falling during this year’s Christmas period, namely Christmas Day, St. Stephen’s Day and New Year’s Day. Christmas Eve is not a public holiday and is a normal working day.

Each year, these public holidays fall on the same date but may fall on a different day.  While the public holiday remains on the same date, even if it falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the benefit may not fall to the next working day. 

The benefit of the public holiday is determined by the employer and an employee will be entitled to one of the following:

  • A paid day off on the day
  • A paid day off within a month of the public holiday
  • An additional day’s annual leave
  • An additional day’s pay

Full Time Employees:

Full time workers are entitled to the benefit of the public holiday no matter how long they are employed in their role.

Part Time Employees:

Part time workers are also entitled to the full benefit of the public holiday if they have worked a total of 40 hours in the 5 weeks prior to a public holiday. 

Employees on lay-off:

Employees on temporary lay-off are entitled to the benefit of the public holiday provided it falls within the first thirteen weeks of lay-off.

Further information can be found here: Public Holidays - Workplace Relations Commission