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Guidance for Visitors in Face-to-face Hearings in WRC Offices

Updated 16 June 2022


This Guidance Note is to assist parties when visiting the WRC premises. Parties should familiarise themselves with this Note in addition to any specific additional guidance on the WRC website or on-site signage.

The WRC is committed to doing all it can to protect the health of its staff, the parties, their representatives and witnesses during face-to-face hearings. All persons attending at any WRC office for a hearing should comply with current public health advice and Government guidance which is available here;


Adjudication hearings are being scheduled both in-person and remotely. However, having regard to Section 31 of the Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2020, in-person hearings are being introduced on a phased basis, particularly where there has been an objection to remote hearings received from one or both parties or the Adjudication Officer has deemed a face-to-face hearing necessary. These will be scheduled for the most part in WRC offices around the country. We are conducting a majority of face-to-face hearings, apart from in cases where fairness or the interests of justice dictate the need for a remote hearing per Section 31 of the Civil Law and Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2020. 


Parties/representatives should not attend the WRC venue where the hearing is taking place if persons are showing signs of illness consistent with COVID-19 symptoms.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or you are a close contact of a person with Covid-19, please adhere to HSE Guidelines; Coverings

Visitors attending the WRC are not required to wear a face covering in WRC offices. However, if a visitor wishes to wear a face covering they can do so but if giving evidence or communicating, including answering questions from the Adjudication Officer/person chairing the meeting, the face covering may be removed.

Before the Hearing

Parties and representatives must provide any submission/documentation immediately upon request and in good time before the hearing date and in any event no later than 15 working days before the scheduled date of the hearing. This applies to both remote and in-person hearings.  Parties should copy all documentation to the other side at the same time, when sending it to the WRC.

On the Day of the Hearing
Getting to the Hearing Room

Parties should be in the hearing room 10 minutes before the commencement of the hearing

(but no earlier). In Lansdowne House parties should report to Reception via Northumberland Road entrance only. Parties will not be permitted to access the building through the Lansdowne Road entrance.

Parties attending the Cork office should report to Reception and await directions to the hearing room.

Full Reception facilities may not be available in other WRC locations and parties should go directly to the WRC hearing room following the signage in place.

Attendees should proceed promptly and directly to the hearing room by following the signs to the meeting/hearing room. Under no circumstances are parties to congregate in the lobbies, corridors, or any other area in the building.

Getting Around the Building

Signage is in place in and around the entrance area and inside the building. Attendees should follow the notices in the reception area and throughout the building, and the appropriate instructions of any WRC staff member.

Attendees should move to the exit promptly on the conclusion of the hearing and should follow the instructions of the Adjudication Officer.

The Hearing

In accordance with standard practice, the Adjudication Officer will retain a list of those in attendance and these will be retained on the WRC electronic case file.

As always, we are committed to ensuring the safety, health and welfare of all our staff and visitors and we will continue to work with parties to keep our offices as safe as possible.